Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hawaii's Active Volcanoes

There are five volcanoes that are considered active in Hawaii. Maui has one of these volcanoes, called Haleakala, that could erupt again. It has not erupted in a long time but it has erupted at least ten eruptions in the past 1,000 years. There is an area southeast of Hawaii that has active volcanism and is called Lo'ihi. This is the site of the next Hawaiian Island.

The big island has three active volcanoes. The picture to the right shows the Big Island split into all five volcanoes and pictures Lo'ihi as well.The largest one is called Mauna Loa and this volcano is considered the largest single mountain in the world. On the top of Mauna Loa there is an oval caldera called Mokuaweoweo that is 4.8km long, 2.4km wide and 183 meters deep. The Mauna Loa can produce .9-4.5 million metric tons of lava per hour at the beginning of an eruption. Mauna Loa averaged about an eruption every 3.6 years between 1831 and 1950. Kilauea Volcano is a smaller volcano that is still active on the Big Island. It is located about 3,048km below the summit of Mauna Loa. The highest point or summit of Kilauea is 1,250m above sea level. Kilauea also has a caldera called Halemaumau meaning 'house of everlasting fire'. Hualalai is the third youngest and third most historically active volcano in Hawaii and is also located on the Big Island. Between 1700s and 1801 six different vents erupted from this volcano.

 The video below shows an ariel view of the Kilauea volcano erupting.


You will need to use the links in the post and other resources. There are a list of helpful sites on the side of the blog.

1) Why do the Hawaiian islands form a chain? 
2) Why do hot spots occur?
3) What are several defining features of a shield volcano?
4) What are the locations (what island are they on) of the five active Hawaiian volcanoes?
5) Choose one of the five volcanoes and do a little more research on it. Find out at least: how big it is, the last time it erupted, what it's name means, and the oldest dated rocks.

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